The more we progressed in science, the lesser mysteries (we solved most diseases, drought, etc). No wonder Friedrich Nietzsche said ‘God is dead’ in the 19th century, when science started to boom.

So God is nothing but mystery. This implies that if we solve all mysteries, then we know God - he’s could be just the most powerful being to exist. That’s not incomprehensible. We have people who control a lot of things and are extremely powerful - God could just be the ultimate version. But we don’t know that.

Also, we haven’t solved all mysteries yet. If we solve the mystery of God, then God is dead. We don’t know if we ever will. Does free will exist? This question remains unanswered. Hence we may never solve the mystery of God. Or will we?

But we can definitely say that the proposition for a God to ‘not exist’ is higher today than ever.