AI in 2022
The Obvious
AI will be doing some/most part of our jobs. They’re simply much better and cheaper.
It Knows both Good and Bad, and It has No Incentive to be Biased
Any AI in this universe which knows lesser negativity than what is present in reality, is less intelligent. Besides, AI will eventually observe everything evil from nature itself. Since AI doesn’t experience pain or pleasure, it has (almost) no incentive to be biased towards Good or Bad.
Don’t you Underestimate
Although AI doesn’t have a soul, it can do pretty much everything much better than humans, except maybe one or two things. As of 2022, AI capabilites are convincing enough.
The Impact
Just like most things in this universe [refer to KK’s OG Notes book by Karthikeshwar], AI is bound to have both Good and Bad sides. So what might potentially happen is that it will do both Good and Bad things at large scales.
Brace Yourselves
Humanity fucked it up when they first discovered nuclear energy. Thankfully, nuclear power was only present in a few hands. AI could be present in potentially every single hand. So we better be prepared to make sure we don’t become slaves, or worse yet, erase ourselves into extinction.
Woah woah, wait a second…
It won’t all be so dramatic. In a way, we already are slaves to technology, although it ain’t so 1984-esque. Also, all hell won’t break loose over night. Things will change slowly and gradually, and we’re already riding the wave.
But still, it’s better to be prepared than to gamble with everything at stake.